Why are these people always surprised about this phenomenon?
What am I talking about? Well, the fact that the more left leaning ideas take hold and drive policy and living in a country, the harder hit the middle class becomes. From the UK Spectator article we...
View ArticleIt’s all “unexpectedly happening” or just “faux scandalous”, so look over...
At a time when the NSA admits to serious abuse and our illustrious president wants us to believe that this abuse of power>, like so many other scandals and abuses of power from this administration...
View ArticleAs if this is an unexpected discovery
While I could stress the “I told you so” part, the sad thing is that the left’s attempt to force healthcare money & decision making under the purveyance of an increasingly more hostile and...
View ArticleLeft wing morons hope to capitalize on people’s stupidy
The Post Standard in Syracuse NY seems to think people are fucking idiots. Now granted, I think practically every leftist is a moron, but then again, leftists are not whom they are hoping to convince...
View ArticleFor those that were still thinking we need to intervene in Syria
I present this tid-bit from the NYT about how nice those Syrian rebels really are. The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and...
View ArticleWaPo gets 4 out of 5 right (accidentally?)..
Well, as was previously mentioned, the latest information about employment in the US is down right shitty. That’s after 5 years of liberals pretending they were going to fix that with green energy...
View Article96% of new jobs in 2013 are part-time jobs
The numbers don’t lie, and the numbers say that 96% of the jobs added this year are part-time jobs, if you look from January to now. That’s just plain scary shit considering how much worse Obamacare...
View ArticleWhat “Social Justice” always ends up looking like.
If people, in general, were able to grasp life’s ironies with more certainty, the need to point out that disparities between the wealthy and the poor always get worse when the people that take power in...
View ArticleOne for all, and all for one…
Shit like this is why I believe we need a constitutional amendment to make it the law for Congress and all of our public servants to be subjected to the same shitty socialist laws they force the...
View ArticleNew WH Policy on healthcare plans
Obamacare Plans… Read more Related posts: They just don’t get it. What “Social Justice” always ends up looking like. BONUS!
View ArticleIn the real world unicorn farts fail…
Revelations that Obamacare is a catastrophic failure would have doomed it. Only government can produce a product this deficient, as part of an initiative that promises to wreak the same level of havoc...
View ArticleDemocrats knew they were destroying it…
Looks like one of the architects of Obamacare, Ezekiel Emmanuel, a council to the WH, admitted during a Fox News interview that democrats forced the evil insurance korporashuns to accept their vision...
View Article“Government Justice” on display
I don’t care if it is at the state or federal level, it looks like government is broken. Let’s take a look at the case where a NC IT employee sent out a traffic alert blaming women drivers, rain, and...
View ArticleThere still is justice in the universe.
If the Germans had a word for feeling joy at stupid people suffering from the dumb shit they did, then this case would be one where we would use it.. DENVER (CBS4) – President Barack Obama is...
View ArticleIf only it were true that they will get rid of this crap!
Steven Hayward at Forbes predicts that Obamacare will be repealed before the 2014 election, because it is a far, far bigger disaster than the majority of people understand. He is not alone pointing out...
View ArticleO’Keefe exposes Obamacare scampaign
I am not surprised to find out that one of the people most vilified and hated by the left – after all he exposed the criminal and corrupt vote stealing schemes run by ACORN and then got an NPR top man...
View ArticleHey Mr DJ: New Health Plan Edition
My great reward for taking two weeks of vacation (during which I went nowhere, sat on my ass, drank cheap beer, and spent most of my time acting like an antisocial menace on social media) was to find...
View ArticleThe fix is in..
And in this case it sucks badly. Everyone is baffled about Obama’s proposed fix to the predicted Obamacare disaster. The lies told about being able to keep everything you had right then if you liked it...
View ArticleThe wheels are coming off the bus
While the LSM here in the US does nothing but provide cover for the buffoon in chief, the foreign press points out that this idiot is still lying or out of his league: President Barack Obama told a...
View ArticleMore pain for these idiots please!
Man I am loving it! I can’t get enough of their shame and their desperate tears. It’s like nectar of the gods. The more of these PR attempts gone bad they experience, the more joy it gives me. These...
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