One of the less reported stories out there is how many people are getting pushed by Obamacare into Medicaid. From Illinois, to California, all bastions of liberal bastions where Obamacare has been pushed with great vigor, many are ending up on Medicaid. But there is a dirty little fact that I doubt many of these people pushed into Medicaid are not aware of, and that is that they better not be homeowners that need nursing home care someday, because their state government can attach a lien to their home, to recover the cost. And you can bet your ass that once you are enrolled in Medicaid you are stuck there, likely until you die, and if you happen to own property, you can kiss that goodbye.
This revelation was frightning to me. I expect that most people pushed into Medicaid by Obamacare won’t have a clue. Sure if you don’t own a home, you have nothing to worry about, but how many home owners, or future home owners, are going to be aware of this fact and the impact it can have on their property and wishes for that property? And how soon before they change the rules to allow liens for things other than nursing home care? After all, they are going to be needing a whole lot more of other people’s money to keep thsi gravy train rolling.