Maybe, the presidential aspirations of the unqualified Obama candidate, their positive analysis of that terrible monster referred to as Obamacare, or the criminal activities of Mrs. Clinton and company as they did to their attempt to undermine that moron Sanders’ idiotic and ludicrous claims, we wouldn’t be here as a country today.
Seriously, these leftists are shameless. The NYT has abandoned all objectivity to shill for their boss Hillary, and the fact that not just Hillary, but the neanderthals that comprise the voter base for the democratic party, believe most of the same shit as crazy Sanders, seems to escape them. Of course it will also escape the idiots that keep pretending the problem with socialism is that we have not put the right people in charge yet or gone far enough down the road to emulating the socialist greats such as USSR, Cuba, North Korea, or Venezuela. Bernie’s promise of a free-for-all ar not viable, but those from Shillary or other criminals in the democratic party will work!
We are being sold out by our media to crooks and villains, and the sad thing is too many people are just cool with it as long as they get to believe that they somehow are picking people that will stick it to those they are jealous and envious of. How sad.