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Slackers on the rise


Frankly I am surprised that as many as 40% women, 28% men, 39% youth have admitted that they don’t want a job, in a system that’s clearly bloated and inefficient, robbing the productive to buy votes, and that tragically favors receiving assistance over working.

You eventually will run out of productive people willing to be fleeced, as the recent election results here in the US show. Those altruistic do-gooders the left counts on to keep power are all for a massive socialist nanny state, but only as long as they don’t have to really pay for much or any of it. Hit them in the pocket book, like so many of the left’s initiatives have since Obama and the donkeys took power, and sooner than later, they will balk at it. Most of the people interviewed in the past election exit polling efforts pointed out they were pissed that they got lied to about who would really foot the bill for Obamacare and the fact that the donkeys constantly kept pretending they cared about fixing the economy only to do things that made if worse for anyone but the connected few.

Before the usual collectivist twits jump all over my post, I admit that I believe that every society needs some social framework to protect those that really need it. I also believe such a system should ONLY support people temporarily, and then the support should go to those that can’t work and those that work hard and hit a rough spot. What we have today is insane. It is nothing but a vote buying scheme subsidized by the productive for the democratic party. Giving people that make it a generational thing or that pop out kid after kid to collect money from the government, is rewarding bad behavior, and has been proven to only encourage more of that behavior. Rewarding the things we as a s society should want less of is why we get such a large number of people admitting they would rather not work in the first place. And I bet that for every 2 or so people that admit they don’t want to work, there is another that feels that way but won’t admit it. And the trend shows the number of moocher will keep growing larger and larger, with the takers demanding ever more be given to them because of socialization of the idea that the things they demand other spay for them are supposedly their right to have.

When the majority of your people feel neither shame nor regret at mooching of the productive, you are doomed. The system is unsustainable. In the end it will collapse, leaving those truly in need with no support, and leaving everyone else worse off. But then again, this is not the concern of the people that like this system and benefit from it. They are well positioned to profit even from the collapse, and actually believe it would be an opportunity for them to gain even more control, power, and wealth.

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