Hope and Change (TM)! Looks like in Obama’s America the two largest employers are, well from the article:
Behind Wal-Mart, the second-largest employer in America is Kelly Services, a temporary work provider.
Friday’s disappointing jobs report showed that part-time jobs are at an all-time high, with 28 million Americans now working part-time. The report also showed another disturbing fact: There are now a record number of Americans with temporary jobs.
Approximately 2.7 million, in fact. And the trend has been growing.
In the first quarter of 2013, U.S. staffing companies employed an average of 2.86 million temporary and contract workers, according to the American Staffing Association. This represents a 2.9 percent growth from the same period in 2012. For just the month of June, there was a 6.7 percent growth in the number of staffing jobs than last year.
As I already pointed out in this post: Our unemployment numbers are much worse than they tell us. Much, much worse. How pissed should the liberals be that after 5 years of Obamanomics and all the stimulus spending by the Kenesian idiots that the two bigges US employers are Wal-Mart and some fucking temp agency? Obamacare, which is a dream for the Oh so competent IRS, is causing a lot of this pain, but do we hear anyone in the LSM pointing this out? Must gall the LSM that too many people see through them, though.
Big fucking fail all around. I am sure they will find a way to blame Booosh.